The question is more poignant: Will Naveen Kumar Das still be ‘allowed’ to work in Tata Steel a decade from now? “14,000; I think we still need to look at about 14,000 more exits and some more relocations,” thunders Avinash Prasad across his exorbitant room, snugly sitting cross-legged on his commodious settee. As the Vice President, Industrial Relations, ‘quick gun’ Prasad – who has rushed to meet us from the Jamshedpur airstrip after landing from Mumbai – is clearly not bent upon earning brownie points, and he’s coming in with all guns firing, when he snaps, “And close to 10,000 migrations to other projects.”
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Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy, 2006
For Complete IIPM - Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link
Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy, 2006